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The beginnings of Messier...

Élisabeth Messier


Guillaume Thierry

Martine Messier


Antoine Primot

David Messier


Marguerite Barc

Jacques Messier


Catherine Thierry-Primot


Charles LeMoyne

Michel Messier


Anne LeMoyne

Jacques Messier



Renée Couillard

Élisabeth, Martine, David and Jacques (the uncle) are brothers and sisters.

Catherine Thierry Primot, daughter of Elisabeth, was adopted by her aunt Martine Messier and her husband, Antoine Primot , upon their arrival in Canada.

Michel and his brother Jacques are the children of David Messier and Marguerite Barc.

Charles LeMoyne, husband of Élisabeth Thierry-Primot, is the brother of Anne LeMoyne, wife of Michel Messier.

St. Denis le Thiboult is a small locality situated 15 km from Rouen in Normandie which represents the origin area of all Messier descendants of America. Two brothers, Michel born around 1640 and Jacques around 1649, contitute the main line of New France builders. They are descendants and children of David Messier and Marguerite Barc from France.


On another side, let us point out that Catherine Thierry-Primot is David Messier's sister and she is Charles LeMoyne de Longueuil's spouse. She will become by this fact, the mother of an illustrious family : d'Iberville de Longueuil, de Sainte Hélène, de Maricourt, de Sérigny et de Loire, de Bienville (Louisiana Governor), de Chatigny et d'Assigny.


Already in 1650, Michel and his uncle Jacques settle down on a land situated in Old Montreal (McGill and St Paul). Michel's brother Jacques joins them in 1660; they will live in Montreal till 1678, date where Michel installs himself on his Seignioral land of Trinité and Cap St-Michel in Varennes, bringing with him his uncle, brother and brother-in-law Jacques LeMoyne.


In Montreal, on February 25, 1658 Michel Messier marries Anne LeMoyne, Charles LeMoyne's sister. From their marriage they had twelve children. Around 1690, in an unknown place (probably Fort Frontenac) Jacques will marry Marie-Renée Couillard of which reunion will have one child Jacques. 


The two brothers will pass away in Varennes, Jacques on March 22, 1697, and Michel on November 2, 1725.



Text comes from the volume of Gilles Messier:  Les Messier et leurs ancêtres, 700 ans d'histoire.

Last update: July 18, 2014

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